Rapid Form Design
Users can design and rapidly publish simple or multi-part data entry forms to its web site.
Forms are collections of tabbed 'card' screens. Each 'Card' can contain any number of
controls. Controls can be data fields, text, radio buttons, combo boxes, etc. Controls
can be positioned and sized on the card by "dragging and dropping." Details regarding
a control are set and modified in the "properties" dialog for each individual control.
Properties include such things as the name and format of each edit field, as well as a
unique identifier which is used for defining rules and handling data merges of information
into other forms or email messages. Once groups of controls are set up on a form, they can
be automatically aligned and evenly spaced. The product name, logo, and size of all forms
can all be defined by the user. Users can also set up customized help for any form that
they design.