ck_MedRules Features

Rapid Form Design
Users can design and rapidly publish simple or multi-part data entry forms to its web site. Forms are collections of tabbed 'card' screens. Each 'Card' can contain any number of controls. Controls can be data fields, text, radio buttons, combo boxes, etc. Controls can be positioned and sized on the card by "dragging and dropping." Details regarding a control are set and modified in the "properties" dialog for each individual control. Properties include such things as the name and format of each edit field, as well as a unique identifier which is used for defining rules and handling data merges of information into other forms or email messages. Once groups of controls are set up on a form, they can be automatically aligned and evenly spaced. The product name, logo, and size of all forms can all be defined by the user. Users can also set up customized help for any form that they design.
Web Publishing
This is one of the most exciting features of ck_MedRules. After creating a form, the user can convert it to HTML code, preview it locally, and then publish to a Web site, where it will be accessible to anyone on the Internet or an intranet the site is connected to. ck_MedRules simplifies and streamlines the publishing process so that all files needed on the web site are automatically selected for transfer and updated.
Rules Definition
An unlimited number of rules or protocols can be defined for each form that is designed. Each rule consists of a triggering condition and one or more actions. A triggering condition is defined in Query-by-example mode by filling out a sample form with the data and relations that make up the condition. The process is intuitive and easy to understand, but through the use of an expression editor allows sophisticated logical expressions to be created.
Rules Evaluation
As data is submitted, it is automatically evaluated and compared with the conditions specified to trigger each rule set up for the form. In situations where multiple rules are triggered, rules with the most conditions matching the data take precedence. Users can specify that specific rules are always to be executed whenever they are triggered.
Action Implementation
When a rule is triggered, any actions defined for it are initiated. Warnings or alerts are displayed on the screen, email is automatically sent, special forms are displayed or printed, or connections are made automatically to other web sites to provide clinical guidelines, drug reactions, or other pertinent information.
What ck_MedRules can do for your organization.
ck_MedRules is a software system which can assist your organization with any of the following critical tasks:
  • Help raise care standards and cut costs by issuing timely alerts and warnings to users.
  • Streamline the approval process.
  • Automatically generate case management and follow up email notifications.
  • Easily collect and warehouse data from multiple sites.
  • Provide intelligent interactive multi-threaded forms to prompt clinical staff with specific data entry forms dependent on patient diagnosis, reason for visit, coverage, or other criteria.
  • Automatically connect clinical users to web sites which have latest information regarding specific problems.
In Conclusion
To see a live demonstration of how ck_MedRules works, continue to our Demonstration site.

To try one or more of the sample forms we have created to illustrate the power and flexibility of ck_MedRules, try out our examples. All forms have help buttons to guide you and prompt you.

Download ck_MedRules so that you can use it to design your own forms. If you feel interested in sharing ideas or examples of useful forms, please send us your forms and participate in our dialogue regarding rules definition software, the ways it should be used, and the directions it should be headed.

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Copyright 1997 CK Software, Inc., 210 N. Higgins, Suite 334, Missoula, MT 59802
Phone: (406) 721-2606 Fax: 721-4225